Friday, February 12, 2021


                  Taking a quick spin over this week's assorted lunacy....

                   Impeachment  It's probably time for pundits to stop wringing their hands over the monstrous, mindless GOP cabal.....(Cruz, Hawley, Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, etc, etc....) Stop waiting for these zombies to come to their senses or grow spines. Deal with them as they are.......mindless cult-of-Trump Kool Aid drinkers who'd rather have had a Trump Monarchy-For-Life. 

                    In other words, call them what they are. Traitors. 

                    Baby Orange will no doubt celebrate his certain acquittal at the hands of these subhuman invertebrates. But he'll never wash the all blood off his hands...... from those who died at the Capitol and the hundreds of thousands of COVID-19 victims, gasping their last breaths while he recommended they drink bleach and promised them it would all just go away........

                    Freeing Britney Spears    We don't know whether to feel amused or sorrowful about this new spectacle touched off by a New York Times TV documentary.  The amused part comes from watching the new woke culture put Spears' many exploiters in their crosshairs.......(they should concentrate their aim on that slimeball who runs TMZ...)

                    The sorrowful part, to quote Disney, is a tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.......that of an incandescent performer who lacked the streetwise smarts to cope with the brutal business of Show Business, and all its assorted reptiles, leeches and moneygrubbers......including her own father.

                  The above photo, by the way, shows Spears consulting with a newly appointed conservator of her finances.....

                    Gina Carano fired off "The Mandalorian"   Well, maybe as a martial arts fighter, she took one too many shots to the head.  That's the only rational explanation we can think of as to why she  exposed her Trumpist brain farts to the world at large, sabotaging her career. He next stead gig should be in Steven Seagal movies......available in your Wal Mart $3.00 DVD bin......

                    Melania newly appointed First Lady Of Mar-A-Lago, supposedly seething about the media attention given to Dr. Jill Biden.  We don't know if she's started work yet on a White House tell-all, but may we suggest a title?   "#BeComplicit"

                     The "Buffy The Vampire" actresses reveal creator-writer-director Joss Whedon as an abusive. bullying asshole.    Once again.....tale as old as time. It's debatable though,  whether Cancel Culture will be able to put a crimp in Whedon's career, unless someone accuses him of an actual physical assault. Take it from us, if they start weeding out all the douchebags in showbiz, we're not sure there'll be anyone left to produce shows.........(the first to go would be televangelists and that Sham-wow guy....)

                   BQ visitors, thanks so much for stopping in and have a wonderful weekend!

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