Friday, February 5, 2021



             Yes, you heard that right. Another explosive interview exclusive to this blog......

                 We managed to sneak in to the controversial congresswoman's office by cleverly wearing a "MAKE AMERICA INSANE AGAIN' face mask.

                  Marjorie greeted us with open arms. Here's the unedited transcript......

BQ:  Marjorie, at last we meet!  We came to confess. To turn ourselves in to you, personally.

MTG:  Really?  Confess to what?

BQ:   About the Jewish Space Laser. We did it. It was us. We used it to zap the California forests. We found it in our Uncle Morty's basement. It was in a box he marked "Klingon shit" filled with stuff he bought at the San Diego Comic-Con.

MTG:  I knew it!  I knew somebody like you was behind it.

BQ:   I was actually aiming the thing at the Mar-A-Lago golf course, but I guess my sighting was off. 

MTG:  You miserable Antifa thug. Get out of my office.

BQ:   Just a few questions as long as we're here. Did you really harass one of the Parkland shooting survivors?

MTG:   Oh please, don't give me that 'Parkland' crap. Those school shootings never's just a bunch of whiny brats and their parents begging for attention.  You really believe that kid dodged bullets? Get real, he couldn't even dodge me......

BQ:   What about you believing Hilary Clinton murdered JFK Jr.?

MTG:  Of course she did! And I've got evidence she baked kidnapped babies into pizzas.  Anybody with 3 or 4 functioning brain cells knows that's true.....

BQ:  And you've definitely got at least that many brain cells. We know that's true......

MTG:  Listen, you democracy-loving cupcake, I've got over 190 Republicans who voted in support of me!

BQ:  And won't they be happy when they have run for office in 2 years with that vote on their records...

MTG:  Hey, don't kid yourself. They all love me!  It's time to embrace the crazy!

BQ:  We heard you've got the full backing of Baby Orange himself.

MTG:  You're damn tootin'!  He told me I'm his kind of woman........dumb as a rock, racist, anti-semitic and crazier than a rabid racoon.  

BQ: If only he were still President, he'd give you the Medal of Freedom......

MTG:  Hah!  F.Y.I...he DID promise me one of those. Me and the My Pillow guy. And we're both gonna get 'em as soon we launch another insurrection and crown Donald 'His Royal Orange-ness'......

BQ:   Good talk, Margie. We so look forward to seeing you in a straight-jacket one day......

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