Tuesday, July 9, 2024


  The Unraveling by Vi Keeland (2024)

        Oh boy, did I have fun with this one. For me, it evoked all those domestic psychological thrillers that permeated movie theaters throughout the 1990's.......and I could never get enough of them. Usually they involved some esteemed professional (doctor, lawyer, professor, etc. etc.) who makes one reckless decision after another, putting them in terrible danger and even under suspicion by skeptical police detectives. Of course, twists abound and nobody's what they seem.

        So here we have a widowed New York City psychiatrist, Dr. Meredith McCall, suffering under a crushing burden of guilt. Her NHL hockey star husband died in a car accident while under the influence of massive Opioid doses he obtained by swiping her prescription pads. His car plowed into a a young mother and her little girl, killing them instantly, leaving Gabriel Wright grieving for his perished family.

       But how grieving is he exactly.? When she does come across him, Meredith wonders why he seems not quite overcome with melancholy and takes to obsessively stalking him. Imagine her stunned surprise when one day Gabriel walks into her office as a new patient seeking therapy. Since he doesn't recognize her as the wife of the man who destroyed his family, Meredith throws medical ethics to the wind and chooses to see him.......and the "see him" part escalates into something way beyond the 'I see that our hour is up' stage.
         Under NO circumstances would I dare reveal how Meredith's off-the-rails choices send the plot twisting and turning into all sorts of dangerous directions. Just fasten your seatbelt and take this wild ride all the way to that final sentence that's guaranteed to leave your mouth agape, your eyes raised all the way to your hairline, and dying to tell friends to pick up this book.

        For anyone like me who pounces on thrillers like this, mark this one down as a 5 star Don't Miss.   (*****)  

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