Monday, September 18, 2023


 One Piece (2023 Netflix series)    Honest admission......when it comes to anime, I'm merely a casual drop-in-once-and-awhile sampler......

           To borrow that worn out expression people use about their attitude toward art in general......I don't know anime but I know what I like......

           And as for this one, a fairly spectacular live action Netflix version of a popular anime.....I like it. I like it a lot. I like it whole bunches......

           How's that for a brilliantly thought out critical analysis?

           I'm being deliberately simple and primal about this because I think that's the very best way to enjoy "One Piece". Don't think, don't analyze. Just lose yourself in the NeverNeverLand, tall tale. fantastical  mythology of it all.......let it wash over you like an incoming wave that knocks you right off your feet. 

          If you're new to 'One Piece', or never heard of it, think of it as all the "Pirates Of The Caribbean" movies cranked up to way past 10 on the dial.....closer to 850.....

         To start out with, the world building premise is outrageously clever.......imagining an entire universe that's a slightly modernized version of the 16th century Caribbean........a world government trying to impose the rule of law across oceans populated with giant sea monsters and equally fanciful pirates. (Some of whom are inhuman in their cruelty, or even downright actual non-human altogether.)

          I'll not take up a lot of verbiage with usual blah-blah-blah about the cast of characters and actors involved........except to say they're a superb collection of perfectly cast charismatic and gifted young actors. 

          These kids tear into these roles like they're well aware they've been handed one hell of a golden opportunity.......and they make the most of it while taking as much fun out of their performances as we get from  watching them. 

         Everything that's become exhausted and tiresome in Marvel and DC comic book movies is given a massive fresh injection of  adrenalin and creativity......especially the smackdowns between our plucky, outnumbered and outmatched heroes and a constant array of bizarre, monstrous (and at times hilarious) rival pirates. 

            Nothing more to say......BQ says set sail.....had a real blast with this one and left me panting and drooling for a newly announced Season 2 on the way. Can't happen soon enough 5 stars (*****)

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