Friday, August 5, 2022


 Alex Jones owes Sandy Hook parents 4.5 million dollars.....Jones angrily accused the judge and jury of being crisis actors and that his entire trial was a fake TV show staged by the Deep State, along with the moon landing, 9/11 and the Jan. 6 insurrection.  He was later heard to gripe, "Talk about unfair. All I did was lie my ass off, like Trump did for 4 years.

Warner Brothers flushes 90 million dollar "Batgirl" movie down the toilet as a tax writeoff, never to see light of day anywhere....and also tells their long time star-director Clint Eastwood to hit the road....rumors abound that 147 year old Eastwood offered to quickly remake "Batgirl" in 3 weeks or less for about $45,000 dollars. Supposedly WB is considering bringing him back......

Russia sentences Britney Griner to 9 years in prison.....removing the very last doubt that Russia is officially the worst country on planet Earth.......

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