Friday, February 11, 2022


 Species (1995)    The primal idea behind this typical 90's multi-plex fodder seems so simple, so basic and so inevitable, we wonder why nobody thought of it sooner......

               Even in the first cheesy 1950's sci-fi movies, there were always a few alien visitors whose invasion plans included gettin' in some funsie-wunsie with Earth girls.......(not that any of those plans came to fruition, as far we remember.....)

                As alien invasion movies progressed through the decades, the invaders' top agenda usually involved  mass destruction or turning Earth folk into robotic was usually the last thing on their minds.

                But by the time 1995 rolled around, the "Species" filmmakers decided we moviegoers craved to see a predatory alien female who had nothing on her mind except frenzied hot tub sex  in order to spew out more alien babies. 

                  According to the storyline, this rampaging creature with the enthusiasm of a porn star began life as an unholy in vitro cocktail of human and alien DNA.....(the helpful aliens sent down their DNA sequencing to one of our top secret resident mad doctors sucking on the government tit.  (Ben Kingsley).

                   Sir Ben's concocted a pretty little human-alien girl (the young, teenage Michelle Williams), but after a change of heart, tries gassing her with cyanide. 

                   Michelle's not havin' it though, crashing through the glass cage imprisoning her and embarking on an extremely fast coming-of-age journey so she can mate like a bunny and multiply.......Needless to say, some poor suckers unlucky enough to cross her path won't make to any sequel......

                    Our trusty government powers-that-be dispatch a truly oddball team to hunt down out our out-of-this-world man eater who's now quickly grown from  out of her adorable Michelle Williams phase.....and into the standard, generic blonde Natasha Henstridge. (the better to kill you, my dear.....)

                    These disparate alien-busters finally get to go mano e mano with their quarry in an L.A. sewer, where Natashs's assumed her true, scaly, outer space Medusa form, courtesy of H.R. Giger, the artist -designer who created Ridley Scott's drippingly repulsive 'Alien'. This prompts the fledgling CGI artists to go wildly out of control, animating the creature as if she was a lethal loony toon.

                    Okay, we'll admit that from time to time, we love a good wallow in unrepentant  guilty pleasure trash.....(alright, maybe a little more frequently than 'from time to time').....and since this movie spawned multiple sequels, we know we're not the only ones.....

                     Which proves beyond a doubt the existence of a demographic that thrills to the sight of an oversexed alien hottie eviscerating a horny guy just to render herself pregnant.  Make of that what you will......3 stars (***).




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