Thursday, November 23, 2017


             'Tis the day for thanks here goes......

              Most Thankful.......forever....amazing family.....the mighty force of nature that is Mrs. BQ and Beloved Daughter.....

                Everyone who's stopped in to visit the blog......still love doing it after a year and we hope you're enjoying the posts as well......much love and good holiday tidings to you all......

                Libraries and booksellers everywhere........

                 Turner Classic could we live without you?

                 All Chinese take-out places where we can get boneless spare ribs and crisp, hot eggrolls....

                 Our cardiologist......(who must never know about the previous item we're thankful for, so please, don't breathe a word......)

                  Special Counsel Robert Mueller.......stay on the job, Bob......for all our sake's and for future America from the horrors of Baby Orange.

                   Everyone in politics, the arts and journalism who's part of the Resistance

                   And now.....a brief plunge into the Abyss.....

                   Least Thankful.........Baby Orange.......unfit as a human being, let alone a President....sincerely hope that the PussyGrabber-In-Chief and his new Best Buddy, the Alabama Pedophile choke on their drumsticks.......

                    Comic book movies........Memo to Hollywood studios.......there's still millions of us out here who still crave real movies with real stories.......without people in spandex hurling each other into buildings.......remember us?

                   All the GOP Baby Orange spineless worms......have a ball at your 2018 Armageddon

                     Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee long lost deleted characters from a recently found draft of "1984".........

                     Taco Bell and Chipotle.........why do even you even exist? Who the hell walks through your doors a second time?

                      Winter........if we could get away with it, we'd nap from December 26th til sometime in the middle of March......(only after we'd opened all our gift movies and books....)

                    That damn uncomfortable seat on the exercise bike......which makes us feel like we're getting an hour long prostate exam........(guess what we're hinting at for the Holidays......)

                    Enough rants.....once again, thanks to all BQ visitors.....back tomorrow with more fun stuff.



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