Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Before we plunge back into our piles of movies and books......a few thoughts......

The Invisible Border Wall    Forgive us if our memory's faulty......we dutifully watched all the rallies leading up to the election (they were like trailers for an upcoming horror movie...).....we recall the Kremlin Kandidate screaming out, "Who's gonna pay for the wall?", waiting for his hypnosis subjects to yell back a response.  Honestly, we don't remember the crowd yelling back, "WE ARE! WE'LL BE THRILLED TO FORK OVER BILLIONS FOR YOUR WALL.....UNTIL YOU EVENTUALLY FIGURE OUT A WAY TO GET MEXICO TO PAY FOR IT SOMETIME LATER ON!!"    We don't think that's what they yelled.....but, who knows, we could be wrong.....

Caitlyn Jenner  Go away. Now. Forever. (Why do we get the feeling that if she ever thinks media attention is dying down, she'll turn herself back into Bruce.....)

Kim Jong Un....reminds us of one of those obnoxious kids who got Golden Tickets to tour  Willie Wonka's factory....... If only Gene Wilder could come back from the dead and turn him into a giant blueberry and drown him in the chocolate waterfall......

Scott Baio   If anyone didn't realize why this bottom feeder was the closest thing to a celebrity that Trumputin could dredge up to appear at his's crystal clear now.  Note to Scottie: when you finally pass away, here's an advance look at reactions to your obituary......Scott who?......

Bill Cosby says he's completely blind.....but we guarantee you he could still read the labels on the little bottles of stuff he tossed into women's drinks......

Tom Cruise in "The Mummy".....with the mummy now played by some hot starlet-du-jour.....anyone else see the irony? Tom facing off against a creepy remnant of a civilization that worshiped all sorts of wacky a crazy cult religion. Hmmm........well who should know that bunch better than Tom?

Ivanka Trump    We get it.....we're all supposed to be thankful that she serves as the closest thing to normalcy and sanity at the Halloween Funhouse on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue........we don't believe that horseshit for a the end of the day,  she's part of the ruling family junta that's seized the country, along with whats-his-face, Mr.Ivanka, who's been anointed with the job of General Supervisor Of The Entire World.......

Bill O'Reilly  What's interesting to us here: comparing today's TV personalities to those of generations gone the olden, Golden days, TV guys like Arthur Godfrey felt it necessary to hide their true, utterly abysmal selves with a phony, folksy persona. Not today......Bill O' Reilly never had to don a mask to cover his arrogance, and bottomless well of cruelty.  If Lonesome Rhodes, the Andy Griffith character from "A Face In The Crowd" were a cable news pundit today, he'd wouldn't need that joshing, cornpone disposition to fool anybody.........he could reveal his mean-spirited, empty soul to the entire world......and maybe have the Trumpkins love him for it....... wonder we can't wait to return to the comforting fictions of novels and films.........

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