Tuesday, November 8, 2016


BECAUSE I'M WATCHING by Christina Dodd.   Stumbled upon this one while browsing through one of my favorite bookshops in the world, the Poison Pen in Old Scottdale, Arizona...(don't fail to stop in there when you're basking in the Valley Of The Sun). It's genre-coded as Romantic Suspense, which I suppose excludes me from its target demographic....but I read everything, so what the hell.The main ingredients here, like cheese and sauce on a pizza.....one thoroughly PTSD'd Army Vet and one equally screwed up deer-in-the-headlights manic pixie (accent on manic) who has miraculously (or suspiciously) managed to outlive her serial-massacred dorm-mates and throat-slashed late husband. If these two lost souls aren't enough on your plate, there's a whole Cozy Mystery cast of townsfolk.....some wise, some wifty, more than a few who should be sporting XXL "Hi! I'm a Red Herring!" t-shirts. Okay, I'll admit I enjoyed the hell out of it.....and you can't help but love the 'meet cute' between the leads. Manic Pixie crashes her SUV into Tormented Army Guy's living room. (I personally would have loved to see Meg Ryan do that to Tom Hanks in "You've Got Mail", especially right after he put her bookstore out of business...)  Anyway, a solid, entertaining read. BQ awards 4 sets of serial killer cutlery.....

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