Friday, November 3, 2023


 GOP senators finally berate Tommy Tuberville for hobbling the U.S. military by holding up promotions over his obsession with abortion.... while desperately ill patients waited for donor hearts, livers and kidneys, the Republican senators bumped to the head of the line for spine transplants. Sen. Lindsay Graham, after spending years un-spined by Donald Trump, commented, "Holy crap, I'd forgotten what it's like to stand up and speak sanity and truth. So that's what a spine feels like!"

Full time MAGA-Moron and Trumpanzee Speaker Of The House Mike Johnson becomes second in line for the Presidency should anything happen to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris......and already  consulted with the Department Of Defense.....asking if nuclear strike targets could include Planned Parenthood centers, gay bars and theaters featuring drag shows.....

Mike Pence drops out GOP Presidential race.....Trump seethes over Pence's failure give him an endorsement......muttered the angry ex-President, "That miserable little bible-thumping pussy......he was never in any real danger on Jan. 6th......I'm sure my supporters would have cut the hanging rope just before he choked to death....they're very good people, ya know. And.some people just can't take a joke...."

Trump continues to defy multiple gag orders.......and also threatens Federal judges that he'll hold his breath and won't eat his green beans if they don't stop scolding him......

Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump testify at their father's fraud sentencing hearing, only managing to dig deeper holes for themselves and Donald St........recent medical exams proved the Trump sons truthful when they claimed "to pour concrete" and get involved in accounting details.  MRI scans revealed large deposits of concrete in each of their brains....." Announced their family physician, "Yes, it's true.....medically, they're what we always imagined.....dumb as rocks....."

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