Tuesday, November 28, 2023



 So sorry to be away for so long.  Those pesky medical issues came bubbling up to torment your faithful move 'n book blogger, sideling me for over a week or so........

           I'll go right to the good news. I'm back! I'm alive! And I'm pissed off that I couldn't let you know about the films I've been consuming (some of them while in the hospital, which I had to re-watch at home to catch the parts I missed when so rudely interrupted for blood pressure checks, electrocardiograms and I.V. flushings)

           BQ's just about on the mend, so please, please, stop back into the site tomorrow and I promise you a whole load of reviews, snarky commentary and much more.....

           Hope to see you all tomorrow when The Beached Quill comes roaring back into action......with a special new department..."Films you never heard of or forgot they ever existed at all"!!  Happy Holidays to one and all.......

                                                     Love, actually......BQ

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you’re well and back at it! :)
