Tuesday, November 9, 2021


               A madness wrap-up so early in the week?  What can we say.......in today's political and cultural climate, insanity never takes a day off. For Example....

Aaron Rogers......we hardily congratulate this lunkhead for achieving a unique place in broadcasting record books - the first (and hopefully last) 'Jeopardy' host who's later revealed to be a blithering idiot and a cowardly liar.

Ted Cruz Vs. Big Bird.....The most punchable senator in U. S. history never disappoints......accusing 'Sesame Street's  beloved giant canary of government propaganda by showing the kids he's been vaccinated.   Like other members of the GOP death cult, Ted resents anyone who'll impede parents God-given right to let their children die gasping for breath on a ventilator.....

Kellyanne Conway claims there were never any supply chain problems under Trump.......therefore assuring us that we must have imagined the rows and rows of empty store shelves all throughout 2020....not to mention people hoarding vast stashes of toilet paper.   But even MAGA Trumpanzees beg to differ with her.....they still remember how tough it was finding enough bleach to guzzle as a COVID preventative......

Trump threatened to quit the GOP after losing the election.....and threatened to start his own third political party, which already had its own name and marketing plan....'Independent Imbeciles'

Mike Pence trying to hide pictures of him from January 6th.....one of the photos shows Secret Service agents fitting Pence with a steel neck brace in case Trump's lynch mob reaches him......

AOC and 'The Squad' vote against Biden's infrastructure bill.....continuing their master plan to become so obnoxious and repulsive to American voters that they'll help put Trump back into the White House in 2024......they all automatically received pool passes at Mar-A-Lago.....

Travis Scott continued his Astroworld concert for another 30 minutes after the the crowd surge crushed  people to death.....and already had a history of encouraging his crowds to go wild and storm the stage barriers.  His next big appearance:  in multiple courtrooms facing hundreds of millions of dollars in lawsuits.....where they only people rushing toward him will be the plaintiffs' lawyers.....

                To finish the wrap-up on a positive note......a little bit of welcome sanity amid the madness

Saturday Night Live's new Trump,  James Austin Johnson.....doing a devastatingly accurate rendition of Trump that far eclipses Alec Baldwin's.......and arriving just in time to remind everyone of those nightmare years when a malignant and deranged moron conned his way into the Presidency. One glance at Johnson's uncanny depiction of Trump's demented ramblings is enough to make anyone's blood freeze at the thought of him ever returning to a position of power.......

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