Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 Ava  (2020)     This is one of those movies that makes us shake our head while watching......and finally muttering...."....what the actual ****?"

                 How in the holy hell did a group of A-list actors (Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, John Malkovich) come together to debase themselves in this blatantly generic, bland, dispiriting carbon copy of female-driven action adventures? 

                  We can only guess this atrocity was cobbled together by people who watched Charlize Theron's 'Atomic Blonde' multiple times and dreamed of cashing in......

                   So they extracted that film's story elements without creating any real story of their own......and to pad out the running time between the brutal punch-ups and assassinations, they dropped in a dysfunctional romantic triangle for their lead character.......

                   The various shootouts and hand-to-hand combats, by the way, are edited with that usual ruinous chop-chop-chop style that's destroyed movie action sequences for the last several decades. 

                   Not one solitary second will we waste describing the movie's pathetic excuse for a storyline.....you can simply refer to 20 or 30 other films which it rips off for ideas and plot turns. 

                   That's it, We're done talking about this steaming turd. 

                   Then again, maybe it's the perfect movie to finish out this hellish year. 

                   Just like the entire length of 2020, 'Ava's a true AFH.

                   An ABOMINATION FROM HELL. 

                   We're looking forward to forgetting we ever saw it. 

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