Wednesday, January 25, 2017


About a month to go before the Mother Of All Awards Shows.....after you've sat through the umpteenth actor clutching their statuette, blubbering on about...."never give up on your dreams...I know my dead grandmother is watching from heaven right now....we did it, Nana!".....we start to get the dry heaves....(unless they spice it up with some pissed-off personal agenda, a la The Streepinater at the GG's....we can never have enough of those...)

The End Of #OscarsSoWhite- So Bye Bye to the controversy of the last two ceremonies.....and thank God diversity came roaring back just as the as the darkness of the Racist-In-Chief descends over America and the world.......the only African Americans who had no chance in this contest were the "Birth Of A Nation" writer and director, obviously exiled by their sordid rape charge history.

The La La Land Acting Nominations - Emma Stone.....well deserved....breaks your heart while staying illegally cute.  Gosling?  Strictly serviceable,  nothing special....and very lucky the film casts such a spell that you're more than willing to forgive his barely there singing.

Mel And High Water  Welcome back to semi-respectability, Mel Gibson......and BQ, for one, hopes Mel keeps churning out his ultra-violent over heated Mel-odramas for decades to a director, he's the closest we have to the late Sam Peckinpah, a raging primative who leads with his gut and doesn't much care if you can tolerate what he's showing you....

Her Royal Streepness   We groaned to the heavens when she managed a win for that half-assed, hardly watchable movie about Margaret Thatcher....jeez, enough already......but damn if we're not secretly rooting for her, if only to hear her take another shot at President Pumpkinhead....... belle.... Michelle Williams is always our personal fave....we still think she was terribly robbed by not grabbing the gold for her Marilyn Monroe performance.....but once again, she's up against heavy competition and once again we fear this just isn't her year.....but she's a gifted gift to movies and we're sure she'll get more shots at it. Keep on keepin' on, Michelle.....

Emma Stone's Big Song In La La Land  ......sounded to us a whole lot like "The Rainbow Connection" from 'The Muppet Movie'........

Thankfully, No Oscar 'Suck Up' Movies  There are no movies we despise more than the pretentious, deeply egomaniacal atrocities that sit up on their hind legs and loudly beg for their Academy Awards....(prime examples, "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close", "Memoirs Of A Geisha", that odious, mercilessly maudlin thing with Roberto whats-his-name)  Fortunately, all the contenders this year seem honestly noble efforts, designed to tell their stories and engage their audiences, not just made to garner hardware. (The prime example this year, Scorcese's "Silence" (three hours of Catholic priests getting their asses kicked by surly Japanese non believers) was mostly ignored. Marty....we're glad you finally got to make your dream project, even if watching drywall moves faster....but honestly, good riddance to it.

A nomination for "Suicide Squad"? Seriously?  You can bet Ryan Reynold's superhero will have a suitably snarky put-down about this in the "Deadpool" sequel......

That's our thoughts for now.....see you all on the Red Carpet....we haven't decided on our clothes designer yet....Target or Wal-Mart.....maybe something casual from Old Navy....

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