Friday, June 9, 2023





                  Finally, after a long 77 year lifetime of grifting, lying, cheating, whoring, stealing......
                  Finally, after infecting the very heart and soul of America with hatred, bigotry, misogyny, cruelty and a never ending cascade of lies.......

                  Finally......the slowly turning wheels of justice and the rule of law caught up with him......

                   Finally.....cornered like the rat he's always been......with at long last, no place to hide. 

                   A day for sadness and a day for celebration.

                   Sadness for the amount of damage he wreaked upon us.......damage that our historians will study, interpret and asses for generations to come.......

                    An empty soul, a bottomless abyss of a human being.....who yet somehow seduced millions to stand under his banner of stupidity and ignorance. 
                  But a day for celebration, because for the first time ever, we've lived to see the day that may mark the beginning of the end for him......

                  Not that any of this will go easy on anybody......a long, tortuous road ahead for certain. 

                  Sensing that his life as a human turd now approaches a final flush down the bowl,  he'll want to take America with him......

                  We must not let him.

                   If enough of us stay strong, resolute and resolved, we'll live to see the day  that millions upon millions of Americans hoped and prayed for....

                   The day when Donald J. Trump finally wears a jumpsuit to match the greasy, citrus colored sludge he smears on his face.....when the constant flowing sewer of his mind and mouth will flood nothing but prison floors and walls......

                    Let's all continue to hope and pray for that day.

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